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Central America
At a recent workshop, the Costa Rican Red Cross facilitated a session on the auxiliary role of National Red Cross Red Crescent Societies. The auxiliary role is the formal relationship a National Society has with its government to provide humanitarian services, and it needs to be recognised in a country’s laws.
Scaling-up early warning and early action through comprehensive disaster and climate risk management
Join us for this COP27 side-event where IFRC Secretary General Jagan Chapagain will be talking about the importance of legal frameworks for comprehensive disaster risk management, including early warning and anticipatory action.
Europe and Central Asia
Due to its mountainous terrain, Kyrgyzstan is prone to disasters such as landslides, avalanches, mudflows and earthquakes, as well as public health emergencies such as the COVID-19 pandemic.
The increasing frequency, severity and unpredictability of extreme weather events is leading to increased impacts on vulnerable people around the world.
Many communities are being affected by concurrent and consecutive disasters, leaving them with little time to recover before the next shock arrives. Therefore, in parallel with ongoing efforts to reduce or prevent it, there is a need for us all to adapt to our changing climate.
Many communities are being affected by concurrent and consecutive disasters, leaving them with little time to recover before the next shock arrives. Therefore, in parallel with ongoing efforts to reduce or prevent it, there is a need for us all to adapt to our changing climate.
Caribbean, Africa, Indian Ocean Islands, Asia Pacific
This video highlights how disaster law is implemented across the globe and provides a focus on the crucial role of National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, as auxiliaries to public authorities, in climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction.
Central America
Central America