
Other countries in the region
Official name
Republic of the Union of Myanmar
South East Asia
54 045 400
(2019 data)
Disaster Law Contact Person
Padmini Nayagam |

Past disasters, including devastating cyclones, have led to the development and adoption of strong Disaster Management Rules in Myanmar. Myanmar Red Cross Society and IFRC Disaster Law work together to support the continued development and implementation of effective disaster laws, rules and policies in Myanmar. In particular, Myanmar Red Cross Society is providing support on the review of Myanmar's disaster risk management law. 

IFRC Disaster Law has conducted a desk review of national level disaster laws and policies in Myanmar, as part of a project analysing the disaster laws of ASEAN Member States. The desk review focused specifically on the implementation of the ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response (AADMER) at domestic level. IFRC Disaster Law has also conducted research on gender-based violence during disasters in Myanmar and commissioned research on the COVID-19 pandemic.