Asia Pacific

Countries in the region
Disaster Law Contact Person
Finau Heuifanga Leveni |

IFRC Disaster Law works across the diverse and vast region that is Asia Pacific, from Afghanistan to Tuvalu, Mongolia to Fiji. For more than 15 years, we have provided disaster law technical support, capacity building, peer learning and research.

In Asia, IFRC Disaster Law focuses on countries with particularly high disaster risk and those who are actively developing or reviewing their disaster risk management legislation. In the Pacific, we bring technical experience and expertise, and - through long term programming - support that is localised and contextualised, and coordination that brings everyone together.

We work with 38 National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and their public authorities on disaster law. There are currently more than 30 disaster law research projects underway, and we have supported disaster law reviews, updates and development in 22 countries.

Regionally, we work closely with bodies such as the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat and regional bodies in South Asia, as well as with UN partners and academia. At the domestic level, we work through National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies to engage their public authorities and relevant partners on risk governance, at both national and local levels.

Our team comprises of Regional Disaster Law Officers based in Fiji, Malaysia, Nepal and Thailand. Find out more about the team and get in touch.