Disaster Law Database
34 results found

Type of document: RCRC documents
Keywords: Civil society and local communities, Definitions of key terms, Other definitions, Hazard, Biological hazards, Multi-hazard, Health, Migration/displacement/refugees, Preparedness, Protection/human rights law, Children and youth, Civil and political rights, Economic, social and cultural rights, Gender equality, Indigenous peoples, Older people, Other vulnerable groups (e.g. stateless, LGBT), People with disabilities, International disaster response, Recognition of professional qualifications, Relief personnel

Type of document: RCRC documents
Keywords: Prevention and mitigation, Early warning, Evacuation, Risk assessment, Health, Housing, Migration/displacement/refugees, Preparedness, Protection/human rights law, Children and youth, Gender equality, Indigenous peoples, Older people, Other vulnerable groups (e.g. stateless, LGBT), People with disabilities, International disaster response
Download the document: Контрольный список для законодательства, подготовки к бедствиям и реагирования

Type of document: RCRC documents
Keywords: Prevention and mitigation, Early warning, Evacuation, Risk assessment, Health, Housing, Migration/displacement/refugees, Preparedness, Protection/human rights law, Children and youth, Gender equality, Indigenous peoples, Older people, Other vulnerable groups (e.g. stateless, LGBT), People with disabilities, International disaster response

Type of document: RCRC documents
Keywords: Prevention and mitigation, Early warning, Evacuation, Risk assessment, Health, Housing, Migration/displacement/refugees, Preparedness, Protection/human rights law, Children and youth, Gender equality, Indigenous peoples, Older people, Other vulnerable groups (e.g. stateless, LGBT), People with disabilities, International disaster response

Type of document: RCRC documents
Keywords: Prevention and mitigation, Early warning, Evacuation, Risk assessment, Health, Housing, Migration/displacement/refugees, Preparedness, Protection/human rights law, Children and youth, Gender equality, Indigenous peoples, Older people, Other vulnerable groups (e.g. stateless, LGBT), People with disabilities, International disaster response
Download the document: The Checklist on Law and Disaster Preparedness and Response

Type of document: RCRC documents
Keywords: Prevention and mitigation, Early warning, Evacuation, Risk assessment, Health, Housing, Migration/displacement/refugees, Preparedness, Protection/human rights law, Children and youth, Gender equality, Indigenous peoples, Older people, Other vulnerable groups (e.g. stateless, LGBT), People with disabilities, International disaster response
Download the document: القائمة املرجعية حول القانونوالتأهب للكوارث ومواجهتها

Type of document: RCRC documents
Keywords: Civil protection, Definitions of key terms, Disaster, Disaster management, Early warning, Other definitions, Response, Prevention and mitigation, Early warning, Evacuation, Risk assessment, Health, Housing, Migration/displacement/refugees, Preparedness, Protection/human rights law, Children and youth, Gender equality, Indigenous peoples, Older people, Other vulnerable groups (e.g. stateless, LGBT), People with disabilities, International disaster response
Download the document: El Derecho y la Preparación y Respuesta ante los Desastres: Informe de Síntesis Multipaís

Type of document: RCRC documents
Keywords: Civil protection, Definitions of key terms, Disaster, Disaster management, Early warning, Other definitions, Response, Prevention and mitigation, Early warning, Evacuation, Risk assessment, Health, Housing, Migration/displacement/refugees, Preparedness, Protection/human rights law, Children and youth, Gender equality, Indigenous peoples, Older people, Other vulnerable groups (e.g. stateless, LGBT), People with disabilities, International disaster response

Type of document: RCRC documents
Keywords: Civil protection, Definitions of key terms, Disaster, Disaster management, Early warning, Other definitions, Response, Prevention and mitigation, Early warning, Evacuation, Risk assessment, Health, Housing, Migration/displacement/refugees, Preparedness, Protection/human rights law, Children and youth, Gender equality, Indigenous peoples, Older people, Other vulnerable groups (e.g. stateless, LGBT), People with disabilities, International disaster response
Download the document: Law and Disaster Preparedness and Response Multi-Country Synthesis Report

Type of document: RCRC documents
Keywords: Civil protection, Definitions of key terms, Disaster, Disaster management, Early warning, Other definitions, Response, Prevention and mitigation, Early warning, Evacuation, Risk assessment, Health, Housing, Migration/displacement/refugees, Preparedness, Protection/human rights law, Children and youth, Gender equality, Indigenous peoples, Older people, Other vulnerable groups (e.g. stateless, LGBT), People with disabilities, International disaster response
Download the document: Législation, préparation et riposte en cas de catastrophe; rapport de synthèse multi-pays