Dominican Republic

Other countries in the region
Official name
Dominican Republic
10 739 000
(2019 data)
Official languages
Disaster Law Contact Person
sophie.teyssier |

The Dominican Republic is the second most vulnerable country in the Caribbean after Haiti, being exposed to tropical storms, hurricanes, floods, droughts, wild-fires and landslides, as well as being at considerable risk from seismic events and tsunamis.

In 2011, IFRC Disaster Law published a study entitled Analysis of Legislation related to Disaster Risk Reduction in the Dominican Republic. The study was prepared following a desk review of applicable legislation and consultations with key stakeholders. It provided several recommendations for the strengthening of the legal and policy framework in Dominican Republic, including recommendations relating to funding, land-use, construction and environmental management.

Between 2019 and 2021, IFRC Disaster Law has worked with the Dominican Red Cross and The Nature Conservancy to advocate for the adoption of an International Disaster Response Law, and the incorporation of disaster risk reduction recommendations into the draft disaster risk management bill which is currently being developed by the government. Through this project the Synthesis Report on Legal Preparedness for International Disaster Relief was developed.

Dominican Red Cross, as part of the National Emergency Commission, presented the Synthesis Report during a Commission assembly. Interest in the subject was generated among the members of the Technical Committee, promoting an on-site Legislative Advocacy Toolkit training for the authorities that formed the Dominican National Technical Committee for Risk Prevention and Mitigation. The training was facilitated by the Dominican Red Cross, TNC Resilient Islands Project and IFRC Disaster Law, and had the attendance of national authorities representatives (including the Public Health Ministry, National Geological Service, Interior and Policy Ministry, Agriculture Ministry, National Seismic Evaluation Office and Dominican Red Cross among others). The outcomes included the presentation and review of the recommendations from the Synthesis Report on “Ecosystem-based adaptation in the framework of DRR and CCA policies”, a space to share legislative advocacy tools and the creation of a committee that will advocate for the recommendations of the Synthesis Report in the DRM Law revision.

In 2021, IFRC Disaster Law provided legal support on the establishment of a humanitarian corridor designed to facilitate the shipment and transit of goods to and from neighbouring countries, especially Haiti. The project is a collaboration between Haiti Red Cross, the Dominican Red Cross, IFRC and the World Food Programme, with funding from the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations and the Belgian government. 

Dominican Red Cross key actors were also trained on legislative advocacy using the toolkit. Three advocacy strategies were developed by the participants, that considered the DRR scope in climate change, community engagement and law and policy implementation.

In 2022, IFRC Disaster Law was invited to participate in the Dominican Red Cross National Assembly to share a session about humanitarian diplomacy and auxiliary role.