
Other countries in the region
Official name
Federative Republic of Brazil
Southern Cone
211 050 000
(2019 data)
Disaster Law Contact Person
sophie.teyssier |

Although Brazil is the wealthiest country in Latin America, one-third of its citizens live in poverty. Brazil is also exposed to a variety of natural hazards  drought and excess rainfall, resulting in recurrent floods and landslides, are the most frequent and disruptive events and disproportionately impact urban areas.

In June 2020, Brazil was featured in an IFRC Disaster Law study, We Need to do Better: Policy Brief on Enhancing Laws and Regulations to Protect Children in Disasters. As part of the study, which sought to identify good practices and formulate policy recommendations to promote child protection in the event of disaster, a case study on Brazil was prepared.

In 2022, based on the IFRC Disaster Law Literature Review on Law and Disaster Recovery and Reconstruction, a mapping on Brazilian law and disaster recovery has been developed.