About us

Our mandate

Our mandate on disaster law is established by successive resolutions of the International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent adopted by the states parties to the Geneva Conventions and the components of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. We are mandated to support National Societies and states in the field of disaster law, through technical assistance, capacity building, the development of tools, models and guidelines, advocacy and ongoing research and promoting the sharing of experiences and best practices between countries.

Meet the team

Our team are legal experts specialising in disaster law, disaster risk management, humanitarian aid, development and protection. We are based in Africa, the Americas, Asia Pacific, Europe, and the Middle East. 

Isabelle Granger
Global Lead, Disaster Law and Auxiliary Role
Stella Ngugi
Disaster Law Coordinator, Africa Region
Tommaso Natoli
Disaster Law Focal Point, Europe
Liliana Lopez
Disaster Law Coordinator, Americas
Padmini Nayagam
Disaster Law Coordinator a.i., Asia Pacific
Chaden El Daif
Disaster Law Middle East and North Africa Regional Coordinator
Jessie Jordan
Disaster Law Coordinator for the Caribbean
Jeanique Serradinho
Disaster Law Coordinator for Southern Africa
Ernest Gibson
Senior Disaster Law and Advocacy Officer for the Pacific
Saikal Esengeldieva
Senior Disaster Law Officer for Central Asia
Reece Da Costa
Disaster Law Officer for the Africa Region
Stacy Cummings
Legislative Advocacy Advisor for the English-speaking Caribbean
Aymerick Rabemananjara
Disaster Law Advocacy and Communications Officer
Miriam Alba Reina
Disaster Management and Disaster Law Officer, Red Cross EU Office