Disaster Law Database
131 results found
Disaster Law Database

Type of document: Documents of Transnational Private Actors
Keywords: Climate change, Adaptation, Mitigation, Prevention and mitigation, Early warning, Evacuation, Information sharing, Risk assessment, Environment, Hazard
Download the document: Parliamentary action plan on climate change

Type of document: Documents of International Organizations

Type of document: Documents of International Organizations
Keywords: Definitions of key terms, Disaster, Goods and equipment, Other definitions, Relief personnel, Prevention and mitigation, Early warning, Information sharing, Risk assessment, Hazard, Multi-hazard, Protection/human rights law, Recovery and reconstruction, International disaster response, Initiation or termination of assistance, Direction and control of assistance, Goods and equipment, Medical assistance, Relief personnel
Download the document: Draft articles on the protection of persons in the event of disasters

Type of document: Documents of International Organizations
Keywords: Definitions of key terms, Disaster, Disaster risk reduction, Goods and equipment, Other definitions, Relief personnel, Prevention and mitigation, Early warning, Information sharing, Risk assessment, Environment, Hazard, Multi-hazard, Protection/human rights law, Recovery and reconstruction, International disaster response, Initiation or termination of assistance, Direction and control of assistance, Goods and equipment, Medical assistance, Military assistance, Relief personnel

Type of document: Documents of International Organizations
Keywords: Definitions of key terms, Disaster, Disaster risk reduction, Goods and equipment, Other definitions, Relief personnel, Prevention and mitigation, Early warning, Information sharing, Risk assessment, Environment, Hazard, Multi-hazard, Protection/human rights law, Recovery and reconstruction, International disaster response, Initiation or termination of assistance, Direction and control of assistance, Goods and equipment, Medical assistance, Military assistance, Relief personnel
Download the document: Draft articles on the protection of persons in the event of disasters, with commentaries

Type of document: Case law
Keywords: Civil protection, Hazard, Natural hazards, Housing, Legal principles, Causation, Criminal responsibility, Negligence, Preparedness, Early warning, Evacuation, Prevention and mitigation, Information sharing, Risk assessment
Download the document: Barberi et al v Prosecutor

Type of document: National documents
Keywords: Definitions of key terms, Disaster, Disaster management, Disaster risk reduction, Early warning, Goods and equipment, Hazard, Other definitions, Prevention and/or mitigation, Resilience, Response, Prevention and mitigation, Early warning, Information sharing, Risk assessment, Hazard, Multi-hazard, Preparedness, Recovery and reconstruction, International disaster response, Initiation or termination of assistance, Goods and equipment
Download the document: Law N°41/2015 of 29/08/2015 Relating to Disaster Management, Rwanda

Type of document: National documents

Type of document: Documents of International Organizations
Keywords: Climate change, Customs, Prevention and mitigation, Early warning, Evacuation, Information sharing, Risk assessment, Food and nutrition, Hazard, Biological hazards, Multi-hazard, Natural hazards, Technological hazards, Preparedness, Recovery and reconstruction, International disaster response, Goods and equipment

Type of document: Case law
Keywords: Hazard, Natural hazards, Early warning, Evacuation, Prevention and mitigation, Information sharing, Protection/human rights law, Civil and political rights
Download the document: Viviani & Ors v Italy (ECHR)