Regional disaster simulation in Panama

Panama SIMEX
In June 2023, Panama hosted the third regional simulation for humanitarian assistance (SIMEX) in Central America. The event, featuring urban search and rescue teams along with key actors from Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Panama, and the Dominican Republic, served as a practical platform to implement the newly revised Regional Mechanism for Humanitarian Assistance of the Central American Integration System (Mec-Reg/SICA).

The revised Mec-Reg/SICA, officially approved in December 2023, marks a pivotal shift in the region’s approach to humanitarian assistance. Emphasising the National Societies' auxiliary role, the update reflects a more inclusive, collaborative approach. The simulation allowed for the practical application of the protocol.

The event underscored the importance of legal frameworks in disaster response, with significant contributions from the Panamanian, Costa Rican, and Salvadoran Red Cross societies. Their active involvement and the successful practice of revised procedures demonstrated a concerted effort towards harmonizing national and regional guidelines, aligning them for more efficient and timely humanitarian assistance.

Rebecca Munoz, IFRC Disaster Law Officer in the Americas says the success of the simulation highlighted the importance of simulation exercises in building robust legal frameworks.

“By actively engaging in simulations like the Panama SIMEX, we not only test and improve our operational readiness but also strengthen the legal underpinnings necessary for effective and swift humanitarian response. This aligns perfectly with our vision of fostering resilient communities through enhanced cooperation and legal preparedness.”