The agreement, finalized during an October 2023 workshop, outlines roles and cooperation areas among the BNGRC, Malagasy Red Cross, and IFRC for disaster preparedness and response, including during public health emergencies. It emphasizes a multi-faceted approach, combining immediate response strategies with long-term preventive measures to mitigate the impacts of disasters.
The Malagasy Red Cross has been instrumental in shaping this agreement. Their groundwork, including a comprehensive study on Madagascar's disaster risk management legal frameworks with IFRC Disaster Law, laid the foundation for improved legal preparedness and collaborative disaster response. This study has been a key driver in enhancing the legal and policy environment necessary for effective and coordinated disaster management in Madagascar.
Ratsimamanga Andoniaina, Secretary General of the Malagasy Red Cross said the agreement is a testament to the power of collaboration and foresight in disaster management.
"By bringing together the expertise and resources of the MRCS, BNGRC, and IFRC, we are not only preparing for future disasters but also setting a precedent for other nations to follow"
During the 2022-2023 cyclone season, Malagasy Red Cross efforts in evacuating communities and employing resilient recovery methods showcased their effectiveness in disaster response, paving the way for the pre-disaster agreement. Their proactive approach in evacuating at-risk communities and integrating Build Back Stronger techniques in disaster recovery plans highlighted the practical implications of an agreement.
"The signing of the pre-disaster agreement is a crucial step towards safeguarding the future of Madagascar against the increasing threats of disasters,” said Ms Andoniaina.
“It demonstrates our commitment to proactive planning and the importance of strong partnerships in building resilient communities."