How to strengthen the auxiliary role: sharing of experiences and good practices - 12 May, 9-10 am CEST.
Join us to learn from Red Cross Red Crescent colleagues who have engaged in a dialogue with their authorities and have successfully strengthened their auxiliary role through law and policy. You will also play the new interactive and fun ‘Fingerprint’ auxiliary role game to cement your knowledge of the topic.
Other webinars in the series include:
What is the auxiliary role: main sources and basic concepts - 20 April, 9-10 am CEST.
Fingerprint: A Red Cross Red Crescent game on strengthening the auxiliary role through law and policy - 4 May, 9-10 am.
Click here to join the three webinars at your preferred time.
The webinars are in English and interpretation in French and Arabic will be provided in the morning session (9 am CEST) and interpretation in Spanish will be provided in the afternoon session (3 pm CEST).
For further information contact: sarah.bayle@ifrc.org