The next IDEAL online seminar will take place 1st June 2022.
This seminar focuses on domestic approaches to COVID-19 and will feature two guest speakers; Pauline Caspellan (Disaster Law Delegate for Central Asia at International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies) and Benjamin Joshua ONG (Assistant Professor of Law, Director, Undergraduate Admissions, Yong Pung How School of Law, Singapore Management University.)
Pauline will be discussing the response of the Philippines to COVID-19, and Benjamin will be discussing the impact of COVID-19 on relations between certain private parties in Singapore, in particular the resolution of disputes between these parties.
This online seminar will be held via zoom on 01 June 2022, at 3pm SNG time, 8am UK time, 7pm NZ time and 1pm Bishkek time.
Please register by emailing: admin@disasterlaw.net