Colombian Red Cross and Government sign IDRL agreement

On the occasion of a major regional conference on disaster risk reduction, the Government of Colombia and the Colombian Red Cross signed a new cooperation agreement on IDRL, the first of its kind on the continent.

Pursuant to the new agreement, the Colombian Red Cross undertakes to advise the Colombian authorities on how best to strengthen its legal preparedness for international disaster response.

Both sides emphasized the importance of the initiative. “It is essential to strengthen our legal framework in order to strengthen our communities” said Doctor Luz Amanda Pulido, Director of the Directorate for Risk Management for Disaster Prevention and Relief of the Ministry of the Interior and Justice. “We need strong legal frameworks that reinforce participation, responsibilities, and principles” added Doctor Walter Cotte, Executive Director of the Colombian Red Cross.

The IFRC's IDRL programme will also support the Colombian Red Cross in its initiative. “This is an example of good practice to follow, perfectly in line with the theme of this week's conference: the Second Hemispheric Encounter on Disaster Risk Reduction: From Theory to Practice", commented Xavier Castellanos, Director of the International Federation's Zone Office for the Americas.

The “Second Hemispheric Encounter,” organized by UNISDR, OAS and the Government of Colombia, gathered representatives from states and civil society of the region from 14 to 16 April in Santa Marta, Colombia. It was meant to foster the exchange of successful experiences and best practices in the areas of Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation, as implemented by existing National Mechanisms and Networks, and aimed to advance the establishment and strengthening of national Platforms for Disaster Risk Reduction under the Hyogo Framework for Action.