Colombian workshop examines legal preparedness

In mid-December, 15 representatives of the Government of Colombia attended a workshop in Bogota to discuss how their country can improve their disaster preparedness.

Participants to this event included representatives of the National System for Disaster Prevention and Response, the Department of Foreign Affairs, the Department of Tax and Customs, Official Firefighter Corps of Bogota, the Minister of Education, the National Planning Department and the National Army.

The workshop highlighted how the recommendations of the IDRL Guidelines could strengthen disaster preparedness in Colombia and contribute to the ongoing legislative revision process of the laws and regulations on Disaster Prevention and Response, which focus on Disaster Risks Reduction.

In this workshop hosted by the Colombian Red Cross, the Direction of Risk Management, and OCHA, and facilitated by the Federation, participants spent two days learning about how to apply the IDRL Guidelines and other international and regional norms to common regulatory issues in disasters through interactive scenarios, sharing of experiences and educational debates.

Two representatives of the Government of Peru and of the Ecuadorian Red Cross also participated in order to bring their support and shared experiences into the debate.