Updated IFRC Disaster Law Database up and running

Caroline Renold
Updated IFRC Disaster Law Database up and running

The IFRC Disaster Law programme is proud to announce the launch of the updated version of its Disaster Law Database. The database contains hundreds of legal and policy instruments related to disaster management from the international, regional, national, provincial and local levels, as well as references to articles, book chapters and reports relevant to disaster law. Documents are available in multiple languages.

The database has been upgraded to make navigation more user-friendly, and research more effective thanks to the use of categories – including definitions of specific terms – and classification according to the type of document.

As the only existent database dedicated solely to disaster law, this is a unique source of information on the topic. The fruit of years of research and consolidation work by the IFRC Disaster Law programme, its content will be regularly updated by the Disaster Law programme team.

If you would like to add any documents, notify a mistake or broken link, please contact us at disaster.law (at) ifrc.org.