Commonwealth IHL conference features IDRL

David Fisher
Commonwealth IHL conference features IDRL

On June 6-8, 2011 delegates from over 40 Commonwealth countries and National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies met in Kuala Lumpur for the 3rd Commonwealth Red Cross/Red Crescent International Humanitarian Law Conference. Co-convened by the ICRC, the Malaysian Red Crescent and the Government of Malaysia with support from the Commonwealth Secretariat and British Red Cross, the Conference was mainly aimed at assessing progress in the Commonwealth in national implementation of IHL and in debating emerging developments at the international level. However, a portion of debate was also slated for consideration of progress in the area of IDRL. 

"Cooperation in the promotion of IHL is a key aspect of the auxiliary role of National Societies with their governments," explained Malaysian Red Crescent Deputy National Chairman Hisham Harun in his opening remarks. "Since the beginnings of the Movement, National Societies have also been involved in assisting governments to respond to the needs of people affected by natural disasters and crises.  These have been increasing throughout the Commonwealth; affecting more people in more countries and causing more damage. Just as in wars, laws can make an important difference in helping us to protect and assist people vulnerable to natural disasters." 

Participants reviewed progress and challenges to the implementation of the IDRL Guidelines in the Commonwealth and reviewed the disaster law issues planned for decision at the 31st International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent in November 2011

"This conference was an excellent opportunity for people from very diverse areas of the world but who share common legal traditions to discuss some of the details of implementing both IHL and IDRL," noted David Fisher, IFRC IDRL programme coordinator.

In their outcome statement, participants made a number of commitments to cooperation in supporting the implementation of states' IHL responsibilities and also called for additional cooperation in the area of IDRL. They also acknowledged to value to continue to organize similar meetings ever four years in advance of the International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent. 

For more information about the conference, please visit the ICRC's dedicated page here.