Farewells and New Faces

Farewells and New Faces

IFRC bids farewell to Olav Ofstad, IDRL Coordinator for Asia-Pacific, who left the IDRL team in March. Olav will be moving on to a visiting Fellowship at Oxford University’s Institute for Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict, where he will be researching the peace-building process in East Timor. He will also be completing a conflict management handbook for humanitarian workers.

Olav has spent nearly nine years working for the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, and has been a great asset in advancing the IDRL programme. We thank him enormously for his dedication to the work of IFRC, and wish him all the best in his future endeavours.


We would like to welcome our new Senior Advocacy Officer, Elyse Mosquini, who joins us this month. Elyse started her IFRC career six years ago as a legal delegate in Asia-Pacific before coming to Geneva to work in the legal department. Over the last year, she has been working at the IFRC delegation to the United Nations in New York. Elyse will now be spearheading our advocacy with governments on the disaster law aspects of the proposed agenda for the 31st International Conference.


We would also like to take this opportunity to welcome two new interns to the IDRL team, Lucia Cipullo and Luca Corredig, who joined us in January. We look forward to having them on board the programme over the next six months.