“Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction” sets goals on disaster legislation

“Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction” sets goals on disaster legislation

The 4th Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction, held in Incheon, Republic of Korea, 25-28 October 2010, under the slogan “disaster risk reduction through climate change adaptation,” hosted more than 900 delegates, representing governments from throughout Asia and Pacific as well as a broad selection of international organizations.

The Conference produced three main outcome documents, the Incheon Declaration a Regional Roadmap and a draft Action Plan.

The Declaration calls on “DRR stakeholders . . . to promote with local governments the incorporation of risk reduction in planning and zoning regulations, building regulations especially for communities at highest level of exposure; and to initiate development of guidelines for policymakers for integrating DRR and CCA into development[.]”

Similarly, the Road Map sets out 5-year goals to:

“Develop legislations and policies that promote the integrated approaches for DRR and CCA in development planning and investment,” and

“Promote with local governments to incorporate risk reduction in planning and zoning regulations, building regulations especially for communities at highest level of exposure: 

  • Build awareness and capacities of local governments on risk integrated planning zoning, building codes.
  • Identify and facilitate conditions of enabling environment for Local Government engagement
  • Make the required resource material available in local languages
  • Programmes to build public opinion on risks, safety, and accountability.”