World Customs Organization starts work on detailed IDRL strategy

World Customs Organization starts work on detailed IDRL strategy

On October 18, the World Custom Organization (WCO) convened the first meeting of a new Ad Hoc Working Group on Natural Disaster Relief, in Brussels, Belgium. The Working Group includes WCO members from various regions tasked with giving a focused look at how customs procedures for the reception of international relief can be strengthened.

In its first meeting, the Working Group considered some of the recent experiences of its own members in disaster settings, including Indonesia and Mexico. The IFRC (represented by the Red Cross/European Union Office) and UN OCHA were also invited to contribute their experiences and ideas.

The group noted the many conflicting pressures in emergency settings, including not only the need for rapid clearance of relief but also the need to continue to be vigilant about illegal trade.

Over the coming months, the Working Group will develop a strategy and work plan for steps that can be taken to assist WCO members to better prepare for respond to customs issues in disasters. These may include both legal issues (including further promotion of existing WCO treaties) and participation in the development of model domestic laws, as well as operational guidance and support.

For its par, the IFRC offered its ongoing support, consistent with the recently adopted MOU with WCO.