IFRC and WCO join forces to help customs administrations address disaster relief issues

IFRC and WCO join forces to help customs administrations address disaster relief issues

On June 28, the World Customs Organization (WCO) and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) signed a new agreement to strengthen their collaboration in tackling customs issues related to the clearance of humanitarian relief consignments in disasters. The agreement was signed on the occasion of the 115th/116th Annual Sessions of the WCO’s Council, its highest governing body.

Matthias Schmale, IFRC Under-Secretary General for Programme Services, addressed the Council, noting the frustration that humanitarian organizations have encountered in many major disasters due to clearance delays, difficulties obtaining duty waivers and paperwork issues. At the same time, he acknowledged the enormous difficulties facing customs administrations in these settings, particularly in light of the tendency of some well-intentioned actors to send inappropriate relief items (such as expired foods and medicines).

Pursuant to the new agreement, the WCO and IFRC will develop joint projects to provide information and guidance to customs administrations about how best to prepare for disaster settings. They will also work to strengthen cooperation between their members on these issues at the national level.

At the same session, the WCO Council also approved a recommendation from its Permanent Technical Committee (PTC) to create a dedicated committee of member states to concentrate on means to improve customs preparedness for disaster situations. Earlier this year, the PTC identified the need to establish efficient clearance systems in disasters as one of its main priorities over the next twelve months.