Andean countries discuss harmonization in international disaster assistance

Andean countries discuss harmonization in international disaster assistance

On June 1st, representatives of the Member States of the Andean Committee for Disaster Prevention and Assistance (CAPRADE) (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru) met for their 15th annual meeting in Lima to discuss progress on the implementation of the various objectives of the Andean Strategy for Prevention and Response to Disasters.

The IFRC was invited to report on its ongoing projects in support of CAPRADE and the Andean Strategy, including projects on the role of volunteers and two technical assistance projects on which it is currently collaborating with the Colombian and Peruvian Red Cross Societies to assist national authorities to examine their legal preparedness for international disaster assistance in light of the IDRL Guidelines.

IFRC Americas Delegate Isabelle Granger welcomed CAPRADE members’ interest in seeking greater harmonization of legislation, regulation and norms relating to disaster assistance. “Relief operations will be faster and more effective if the rules are wellprepared and well-known in the region,” she said.

An important initiative along these lines was the development of an initial version of CAPRADE’s “Operational Guide for Mutual Assistance in case of Disaster in the Andean Countries” in 2008. The Government of Ecuador reported on progress on the current project to revise and strengthen the Guide. It is envisaged that the IFRC will support this effort with the experience gained from its IDRL research.

“Through this meeting, the International Federation is reaffirming its commitment to continue promoting the strengthening of cooperation mechanisms between states of the Andean region,” said Fernando Casanova, IFRC Regional Representative of the for the Andean Countries, “We see this support as an important service to our National Societies and their governments, fulfilling our mission and mandate to ensure an efficient, coordinated and decent international response to disaster.”