UN Secretary-General reiterates call to implement the IDRL Guidelines

UN Secretary-General reiterates call to implement the IDRL Guidelines

The UN Secretary General’s report to the General Assembly on “International Co-operation on Humanitarian Assistance in the Field of Natural Disasters,” released on August 13th, encourages the use of the IDRL Guidelines in strengthening legal frameworks for disaster assistance.

The report, made on the request of the General Assembly in Resolution 62/92, is an overview of humanitarian disaster response, including the implications of emerging trends. In citing the key challenges, it highlights the need to fortify legal frameworks for disaster preparedness, risk reduction and protection of affected persons. These frameworks are viewed as an “essential enabling factor for sustainable preparedness systems.” In this context, it notes the adoption of the IDRL Guidelines at the 30th International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent and outlines subsequent action taken to promote their implementation at national level

The report emphasises the importance of continued co-operation between the Federation and the UN in promoting and mainstreaming the Guidelines. It concludes by inviting UN Member States and regional organisations to use the Guidelines in strengthening their legal frameworks.