International disaster law course for academics and practitioners

1 - 5 June, 2020
International disaster law course for academics and practitioners

The International Institute of Humanitarian Law, jointly with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, the International Disaster Law Project, the Italian Red Cross and the EU Jean Monnet Project “Disseminating Disaster Law for Europe” Roma Tre University, will conduct the 7th International Disaster Law Course from 1 to 5 June 2020 in Sanremo, Italy.

The course on International Disaster Law will offer participants an unique opportunity to analyse one of today’s most important legal challenges: the prevention and management of natural and man-made disasters. Lectures will be delivered by distinguished speakers including Eduardo Valencia-Ospina (former Special Rapporteur of the ILC on the Protection of Persons in the Event of Disasters and current ILC Member), Walter Kälin (Envoy to the Chair, Platform on Disaster Displacement, Former Representative of the UN Secretary-General on the Human Rights of Internally Displaced Persons) along with other high-level speakers from academia and distinguished experts from key stakeholders such as the IFRC and International Organizations with a specific expertise on International Disaster Law.

The programme seeks to offer a comprehensive overview of the main practical, diplomatic and military issues related to the legal aspects of disaster prevention and management activities. Topics will be covered using a plenary-based approach complemented by practical exercises designed to test the participants’ ability to find outcome-oriented solutions through the application of relevant IDL provisions. The course is tailored towards practitioners (e.g. staff of civil protection departments; staff of Red Cross and Red Crescent societies; NGOs) involved in disaster management; graduate and post-graduate students with an interest in International Disaster Law and Humanitarian issues; and professionals with an academic background in the areas of law, security studies, international relations, humanitarian assistance or other related fields, eager to expand their knowledge on International Disaster Law.

A very small number of scholarships are available for the IDL course thanks to the generous support of the IFRC Disaster Law Programme and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development as detailed in the ‘General Information’ section.

Click  here for more information and to register. Registrations are due by 17 May 2020.