IDRL Study launched in Tonga

Finau Limuloa
Tonga IDRL Study Launch
Tonga is an archipelago comprising 176 islands in the southern Pacific Ocean. Not only is the kingdom vulnerable to disasters, but it also faces a number of challenges regarding the delivery of disaster relief due to its isolated setting.

In order to be better prepared for future disasters and incoming disaster assistance, the Tongan Cabinet endorsed and pledged its support for a study on international disaster response law (IDRL) earlier this year. After months of preparation, Tonga launched the project at a seminar attended by representatives of diplomatic missions, senior government officials and other relevant stakeholders.

Mr Sione Taumoefolau, Secretary General of the Tonga Red Cross Society (TRCS), in his opening address welcomed participants and recalled the close collaborative relationship between the TRCS and the government. He expressed his hope that this relationship will continue to be strengthened. 

The IDRL Study was officially launched by the guest of honour, Deputy Prime Minister, Hon Mr Samiu Vaipulu, who welcomed the timely commencement of the study and acknowledged the mutually beneficial working relationship with the TRCS. He further shared a light-hearted account of a number of IDRL related incidents Tonga had faced in the past, ranging from delays to unsuitable or inappropriate relief items.

The newly appointed legal researcher for the project, Ms Rosamond Bing, was introduced.  Ms Bing brings significant legal research skills and work experience. The IFRC also gave a brief presentation on the process for the study, expected outcomes and major milestones. The study is expected to be completed by November 2013.

The launch of the study was facilitated by TRCS in partnership with the IFRC and the Tonga government.