Tajik customs officials introduced to IDRL

Abdulfattoh Shafiev
At the request of the Tajik Customs Services, the IFRC provided an orientation on international disaster response laws, rules and principles (IDRL) for about 80 customs representatives on 16 May 2012.

The session included an overview of the history of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, the mission of the IFRC and an overview of disaster risks.  Particular focus was given to disaster law and the provisions on customs in the IDRL Guidelines and the Model Act for the Facilitation and Regulation of International Disaster Relief and Initial Recovery Assistance.

Whilst a number of participants felt that most of the IDRL Guidelines’ recommendations on customs are already implemented in Tajikistan’s existing laws and regulations, it was recognised that some customs officers may not be aware of the applicable rules, and in other cases may not understand the importance of the issue.  The IFRC may, in the future, look to assist the Customs Services in increasing the awareness of their officers by way of additional communications and/or trainings.