The China Red Cross Society learns about IDRL

The China Red Cross Society learns about IDRL
In December 2010 the IDRL Programme held a half-day workshop for senior leaders and selected staff from the China Red Cross Society. The aim of the workshop was for national society staff to gain a better understanding of IDRL, and to discuss the need for IDRL development in China.

After a general presentation by IFRC’s IDRL Coordinator for Asia Pacific, the workshop participants discussed disaster management issues and the Chinese Government’s current capacity to conduct extensive disaster relief operations. Participants made the case that the Government already has strong mechanisms in place regarding disaster management, and did not see a need to introduce new disaster laws or mechanisms in China. It was agreed, however, that the need for international support cannot be ignored when China is faced with large-scale disasters, and the workshop participants concluded that further engagement should take place with the Government on IDRL issues.

The national society plans to discuss internally how best to relate to the Government in the context of IDRL, and will revert back to IFRC with its conclusions. The group agreed that the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) currently has a good level of cooperation with the Chinese Government, and that a joint dialogue might be an appropriate means for further engagement between the Government and IFRC on IDRL.