Peru considers new decree to facilitate international relief

Hugo Cahueñas
On 30 January 2014, a draft “Superior Decree for the Facilitation of International Humanitarian Operations” was presented as part of the Meeting for the Coordination and Information of the Reactive Management organized by the National Institute of Civil Defence of Peru (INDECI).

This instrument regulates the aspects related to the facilitation of international humanitarian assistance in line with the international instruments and best practices contemplated in the IDRL Guidelines and the Model Act. This Decree systematizes and compiles the national norms that grant facilities to international assistance. Moreover, it complements the technical and administrative procedures established under Directive Nº 001-2013-PCM/SINAGERD “International Humanitarian Assistance in Case of a Major Disaster”, which has an administrative focus.

The Superior Decree aims to solve the obstacles evidenced during the Pisco earthquake from August 2007. An INDECI report Lessons Learned from the South revealed that “the clearance of goods should had been faster for the purpose of avoiding bottlenecks in the process of management and reception of humanitarian goods…” and that “[p]rocesses and actions had to be implemented to facilitate the saturated reception channels of INDECI”. Furthermore, the lack of coordination with and among the international cooperation was put into evidence. Moreover, a 2009 preparedness analyis mission by an United Nations Disaster Assessement and Coordination (UNDAC) team recommended Peru to “analyse how it can enhance the country’s legal framework for the facilitation and management of international aid in case of disasters”.

As part of the implementation process, this meeting concluded with the elaboration of a follow-up plan and validation of the legislative proposal; a technical group was formed for this purpose. This group is comprised by participants from INDECI, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Transportation and Communication, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Health, National Customs and Tax Administration, Migration, the Peruvian Agency of International Cooperation, Peruvian Red Cross, OCHA and IFRC. They are scheduled to meet in early March.

Mr. Sergio Álvarez, the Director of Policy, Plans and Evaluation at INDECI underlined the relevance of project from a public policy perspective, stating that “this project offers technical guiding procedures for international assistance, which represents a priority for the Direction of INDECI”.