
Emergency Powers and Planning (Jersey) Law 1990

The main disaster law in Jersey is the Emergency Powers and Planning (Jersey) Law 1990. The table below analyses the contents of this law. It is divided into 13 key topics relating to disaster risk management. To find out more about the contents of the law, click on one of the topics below. For each topic, you will find a set of questions and answers identifying which specific sub-topics are addressed and in how much detail. 

Definition of Disaster
Does the definition of disaster include the following hazards (expressly or implicitly)?
DroughtA long-lasting event triggered by a lack of precipitation. A drought is an extended period of time characterised by a deficiency in a region's water supply that is the result of constantly below average precipitation. (Source: CRED EM-DAT)
EnvironmentalMay include chemical, natural and biological hazards, created by environmental degradation or physical or chemical pollution in the air, water and soil. May be termed drivers of hazard and risk such as soil degradation, deforestation, loss of biodiversity, salinisation and sea-level rise. (Source: UNISDR)
Extreme heat/heat waveA period during which the daily maximum temperature exceeds for more than five consecutive days the maximum normal temperature by 9 degrees Fahrenheit/5 degrees Celsius. (Source: WMO)
Extreme cold/cold waveMarked cooling of the air, or the invasion of very cold air, over a large area; it usually lasts from a few days to a few weeks. This is a drop of average temperature well above the averages of a region. (Source: UNISDR)
Biological emergencyA major epidemic outbreak of diseases such as avian influenza, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) etc., plant or animal contagion, insect or other animal plagues and infestations. (Source: IFRC)
Epidemic/pandemic diseasesThis includes viral, bacterial, fungal and prion diseases, yellow fever, cholera, Zika virus, Ebola virus, malaria and all other epidemics, including all zoonotic and pandemic diseases. Either an unusual increase in the number of cases of an infectious disease that already exists in the region or population concerned, or the appearance of an infectious disease previously absent from a region. (Source: CRED EM-DAT)
EarthquakeA term used to describe both sudden slip on a fault, and the resulting ground shaking and radiated seismic energy caused by the slip, or by volcanic or magmatic activity, or other sudden stress changes in the earth. (Source: United States Geological Survey (USGS)
Landslide/debris flowsMovement of surface material down a slope. (Source: USGS)
TsunamiA sea wave of local or distant origin that results from large-scale seafloor displacements associated with strong earthquakes, major submarine slides, or exploding volcanic islands. (Source: USGS)
Volcanic eruptionThe discharge (aerially explosive) of fragmentary ejecta, lava and gases from a volcanic vent. (Source: USGS)
Tropical cycloneAn atmospheric closed low pressure circulation system rotating counter-clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere (includes: cyclone, extra-tropical cyclone, tropical cyclone, hurricane, typhoon). (Source: NOAA)
FloodAn atmospheric closed low pressure circulation system rotating counter-clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere (includes: cyclone, extra-tropical cyclone, tropical cyclone, hurricane, typhoon). (Source: NOAA)
Storm surgeThe temporary increase, at a particular locality, in the height of the sea due to extreme meteorological conditions (low atmospheric pressure and/or strong winds). The storm surge is defined as being the excess above the level expected from the tidal variation alone at that time and place. (Source: IPCC)
HailstormHail is a form of solid rain consisting of balls or irregular lumps of ice, measuring between 5 millimetres and 15 centimetres in diameter. (Source: UNISDR)
TerrorismCriminal acts intended or calculated to provoke a state of terror in the general public, a group of persons or particular persons for political purposes...whatever the considerations of a political, philosophical, ideological, racial, ethnic, religious or any other nature that may be invoked to justify them. (Source: UN Res "Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism" 1994, UN Doc. A/Res/60/49)
Nuclear emergencyNuclear emergencies (includes nuclear hazards) involve or emerge from nuclear chain reactions. Such chain reactions take place under controlled circumstances, for instance in nuclear power plants and research reactors. (Source: UNISDR/IFRC)
Radiological emergencyRadiological emergencies (includes radiological hazards) can involve all other sources of radiation, such as radiography machines, radioactive material for use in industry, lost sources and more. (Source: UNISDR/IFRC)
Chemical emergencyChemical emergencies (includes chemical hazards) are defined as any unplanned event involving hazardous substances that causes or is liable to cause harm to health, the environment or property, such as loss of containment of hazardous substances and fires. (Source: OECD)
FireThis includes all types of fire events, wildfires and forest fires. It is the process of combustion of inflammable materials producing heat, flames and (often) smoke. (Source: IFRC)
War/armed conflictInternational armed conflicts, opposing two or more States, and/or non-international armed conflicts, between governmental forces and non-governmental armed groups, or between such groups only. (Source: ICRC)
Other man-made hazards (non-conflict)Hazards that are “induced entirely or predominantly by human activities and choices” (i.e. anthropogenic, or human-induced). This term does not include the occurrence or risk of armed conflicts and other situations of social instability or tension that are subject to international humanitarian law and national legislation. (Source: UNSIDR)
Disaster Prevention and Mitigation
Are there provisions relating to disaster prevention and mitigation?
Detailed provisionsProvisions include a comprehensive definition/description of DRR and/or descriptions of DRR specific measures to be taken.
Minimal provisionsIncludes a reference to DRR  and/or DRR activities, but  no comprehensive definition is given and the description is minimal.
No referenceNo reference to DRR or DRR activities.
To be elaborated in other instrumentsThe provisions include a reference to the existence/development of further instruments on this topic.
Do the provisions include a reference to any of the following?
Risk assessmentsProvisions on DRR acknowledge the need/requirement to conduct risk assessments, ideally multi-hazard.
Prevention/mitigation measuresProvisions acknowledge the need/requirement to undertake prevention/mitigation measures, whether specific or general.
Community-based DRRProvisions on DRR involve communities in the assessment of hazards, vulnerabilities and capacities, and/or involvement in planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of local action for disaster risk reduction.
Linkages between ministries/departmentsProvisions on DRR acknowledge the need/requirement to mainstream DRR into the work of relevant ministries/departments. Such activities may include conducting risk assessments/monitoring, sharing information between ministries about risk, inclusion of DRR in ministry/department developing plans etc.
Geographic risk mappingProvisions relating to the use of geographic information systems to identify and/or map hazard and risks according to location.
Protection of culturally significant sitesProvisions acknowledge the need/requirement to protect culturally significant natural and man-made areas/structures.
Safety of schoolsProvisions acknowledge the need/requirement to ensure that schools are protected against/prepared for hazards and risks.
Protection of other critical infrastructureProvisions acknowledge the need/requirement to protect assets that are essential for the functioning of a society and economy (such as facilities for public health, water, agriculture, transport, electricity, telecoms etc)
Compliance with building and construction codesProvisions relating to compliance with building and construction codes as an approach to risk reduction.
Mainstreaming of DRR into other laws/policiesProvisions acknowledge the need to integrate/mainstream DRR measures into other laws and policies across different sectors.
Safety of workplacesProvisions acknowledge the need/requirement to ensure that workplaces are protected against/prepared for hazards and risks.
Climate change and adaptationProvisions related to adaptation measures to anticipate the adverse effects of climate change and taking appropriate action to prevent or minimise the damages they can cause.
Early Warning
Are there provisions relating to early warning?
Detailed provisionsProvisions include a comprehensive definition/description of early warning and/or descriptions of early warning measures to be taken.
Minimal provisionsProvisions include a reference to early warning and/or related activities, but no comprehensive definition is given and the description is minimal.
No referenceNo reference to early warning or early warning activities.
To be elaborated in other instrumentsThe provisions include a reference to the existence/development of further instruments on this topic.
Do the provisions include a reference to any of the following?
Early warning systemProvisions acknowledge the need/requirement for an early warning monitoring/information system which communicates early warning information within government and/or potentially affected communities.
Early warning training for communitiesProvisions acknowledge the need/requirement to train communities in early warning signals and required actions.
Evacuation in advance of disasterProvisions specifically refer to the need/requirement to establish a system for evacuation in advance of disaster and/or early warning information to facilitate evacuation.
Disaster Preparedness
Are there provisions relating to disaster preparedness?
Detailed provisionsProvisions include a comprehensive definition/description of disaster preparedness and/or a description of specific preparedness measures to be taken.
Minimal provisionsProvisions include a reference to disaster preparedness and/or related activities, but no comprehensive definition is given and the description is minimal.
No referenceNo reference to disaster preparedness or related activities
To be elaborated in other instrumentsThe provisions include a reference to the existence/development of further instruments on this topic.
Do the provisions include a reference to any of the following?
Prepositioning/stockpiling of equipment & materials Provisions acknowledge the need/requirement for the prepositioning and/or stockpiling of equipment & materials for use in a disaster.
Disaster preparedness/contingency plansProvisions acknowledge the need/requirement for the development of disaster preparedness/contingency plans (could be at any level of government or by civil society).
Training/simulation exercisesProvisions acknowledge the need/requirement for the conduct of training / simulations exercises (could be at any level of government or for civil society).
Funding for preparedness activitiesProvisions acknowledge the need/requirement to allocate funds to support disaster preparedness activities (not just disaster response).
First aid trainingProvisions acknowledge the need/requirement for teams/individuals to be trained/available to provide first aid in the event of disaster.
Evacuation plans for a disasterProvisions acknowledge the possibility of evacuation and/or the need to formulate evacuation plans (at any level - community, provincial).
Disaster Response
Are there provisions relating to disaster response?
Detailed provisionsProvisions include a comprehensive definition/description of disaster response and/or describe the specific measures to be taken.
Minimal provisionsProvisions includes a reference to disaster response and/or related activities, but no comprehensive definition is given and the description is minimal.
No referenceNo reference to disaster response or related activities.
To be elaborated in other instrumentsThe provisions include a reference to the existence/development of further instruments on this topic.
Do the provisions include a reference to any of the following?
Declaration of disasterProvisions specify when/how/by whom a declaration of disaster may be made, which triggers disaster response.
Different levels of disasterProvisions identify different levels/scale of disaster which may trigger different response mechanisms (e.g. small/medium/large or level 1/2/3 or local/regional/national)
Use of emergency powersEmergency powers may include special authority to use public or private assets, limitations on freedom of movement, involuntary relocation etc. Provisions specify when/how/by whom emergency powers can be utilised to facilitate the government's response to a disaster situation (may also include reference to another instrument, such as the Constitution, or special emergency powers legislation).
Termination of disaster periodProvisions specify when/how a disaster situation is declared to be over (i.e. end of emergency phase / resumption of recovery / return to normal activities.
Search and rescueProvisions acknowledge the need/requirement for search and rescue activities.
FoodProvisions acknowledge the need/requirement for the provision of food assistance and/or food security.
WASHProvisions acknowledge the need/requirement for the provision of water (potable/non-potable), sanitation (latrines, waste management) and/or hygiene promotion.
Emergency shelterProvisions acknowledge the need/requirement for the provision of household and/or community emergency shelter.
Health (physical/mental)Provisions acknowledge the need/requirement for health/medical response and interventions.
Cash (not compensation)Provisions acknowledge the need/requirement for cash transfers to affected households/individuals  in lieu of in-kind emergency support.
Camp managementProvisions acknowledge the need/requirement for standards/guidelines/procedures for camp management for situations of large scale displacement.
Dead body management/dignified burialsProvisions acknowledge the need/requirement for standards/guidelines/procedures for dead body management/dignified burials (particularly in the event of mass casualties).
Disaster Recovery
Are there provisions relating to recovery from disasters?
Detailed provisionsProvisions include a comprehensive definition/description of disaster recovery and/or describe the specific measures to be taken.
Minimal provisionsProvisions include a reference to disaster recovery and/or related activities, but no comprehensive definition is given and the description is minimal.
No referenceNo reference to disaster recovery or related activities.
To be elaborated in other instrumentsThe provisions include a reference to the existence/development of further instruments on this topic.
Do the provisions include a reference to any of the following?
Shelter reconstruction standardsProvisions acknowledge the need/requirement/existence of standards for shelter reconstruction following a disaster.
Housing, land and property rightsProvisions acknowledge the need/requirement to enable affected persons to realise their HLP rights, for example through the provision/replacement of necessary documentation (land title certificates, identify documents, fast tracked and fair determinations regarding ownership and inheritance etc).
Links with development plansProvisions acknowledge the need/requirement for the recovery process to form part of the continuum towards development and link with/build on existing/new development plans.
Funding for recovery activitiesProvisions acknowledge the need/requirement to allocate funds to support disaster recovery activities (not just disaster response).
LivelihoodsProvisions acknowledge the need to restore the capabilities, assets (including both material and social resources) and activities required for a means of living.
EducationProvisions acknowledge the need/requirement to ensure the continuity/provision of education services (i.e. primary and secondary schooling).
Government compensation for householdsProvisions refer to the need/requirement for Government to compensate households/individuals for losses incurred as a result of disaster.
Government compensation for the private sectorProvisions refer to the need/requirement for Government to compensate the private sector (businesses, companies) for losses incurred as a result of disaster.
Government Institutional Arrangements
Are there dedicated national structures for disaster risk management with powers, roles and responsibilities described?
Governance bodyA national disaster management committee or similar, usually comprising multiple ministries/departments with a Minister or Head of State Chair, to make key strategic/policy decisions about DRM activities on behalf of the government.
Administrative authorityA national disaster management agency/office/department dedicated to DRM with the administrative authority to initiate/implement DRM activities on behalf of the government.
No referenceNo reference given.
To be elaborated in other instrumentsThe provisions include a reference to the existence/development of further instruments on this topic.
Are there dedicated provincial/middle level structures for disaster risk management with powers, roles and responsibilities described?
Governance bodyA "middle" level disaster management committee or similar, usually comprising the provincial head of government and ministries/departments represented at provincial level with a mandate to make key strategic/policy decisions about DRM activities on behalf of the  provincial government.
Administrative authorityA "middle" level disaster management agency/office/department dedicated to DRM with the administrative authority to initiate/implement DRM activities on behalf of the provincial government.
No referenceNo reference given.
To be elaborated in other instrumentsThe provisions include a reference to the existence/development of further instruments on this topic.
Are there roles and responsibilities prescribed at provincial/middle level for any of the following?
Disaster risk reductionDRR activities are included in the roles/responsibilities of provincial/middle level governments.
Early warningEarly warning activities are included in the roles/responsibilities of provincial/middle level governments.
Disaster preparedness and responseDisaster preparedness and response activities are included in the roles/responsibilities of provincial/middle level governments.
RecoveryRecovery activities are included in the roles/responsibilities of provincial/middle level governments.
Are there dedicated structures for disaster risk management at the local/lowest level, with powers, roles and responsibilities described?
Governance bodyA "local" or lowest government level equivalent of a disaster management committee or similar, usually comprising the head of local government and ministries/departments represented at local level with a mandate to make key strategic/policy decisions about DRM activities on behalf of the local government.
Administrative authorityA "local" or lowest government level disaster management agency/office/department dedicated to DRM with the administrative authority to initiate/implement DRM activities on behalf of the local government.
No referenceNo reference given.
To be elaborated in other instrumentsThe provisions include a reference to the existence/development of further instruments on this topic.
Are there roles and responsibilities prescribed at local/lowest level for any of the following?
Disaster risk reductionDRR activities are included in the roles/responsibilities of local level governments.
Early warningEarly warning activities are included in the roles/responsibilities of local level governments
Disaster preparedness and responseDisaster preparedness and response activities are included in the roles/responsibilities of local level governments
RecoveryRecovery activities are included in the roles/responsibilities of local level governments
Civil Society Participation
Are there roles and responsibilities described for the national Red Cross/Red Crescent Society?
Detailed provisionsProvisions refer to specific functions of the National Red Cross/Red Crescent Society in its auxiliary role or in a DRM capacity.
Minimal provisionsProvisions acknowledge the National Red Cross/Red Crescent Society but do not identify any specific/unique functions.
No referenceNo reference given.
To be elaborated in other instrumentsThe provisions include a reference to the existence/development of further instruments on this topic.
Are there roles and responsibilities described for non-government organisations/entities?
Detailed provisionsProvisions assign specific DRM functions to NGOs and non-profit entities.
Minimal provisionsProvisions acknowledge the role of NGOs and non-profit entities but do not assign any specific functions.
No referenceNo reference given.
To be elaborated in other instrumentsThe provisions include a reference to the existence/development of further instruments on this topic.
Are there roles and responsibilities described for the private sector?
Detailed provisionsProvisions assign specific DRM functions to the private sector.
Minimal provisionsProvisions acknowledge the role of the private sector but do not assign any specific functions.
No referenceNo reference given.
To be elaborated in other instrumentsThe provisions include a reference to the existence/development of further instruments on this topic.
Are there roles and responsibilities described for community-based organisations / individuals?
Detailed provisionsProvisions assign specific DRM functions to community-based organisations and individuals.
Minimal provisionsProvisions acknowledge the role of community-based organisations and individuals but do not assign any specific functions.
No referenceNo reference given.
To be elaborated in other instrumentsThe provisions include a reference to the existence/development of further instruments on this topic.
Do institutional arrangements include provisions on civil/military coordination?
Detailed provisionsProvisions include specific and detailed measures to facilitate civil/military coordination.
Minimal provisionsProvisions include some measures or make general reference to need for civil/military coordination.
No referenceNo reference given.
To be elaborated in other instrumentsThe provisions include a reference to the existence/development of further instruments on this topic.
Do institutional arrangements specifically provide for representation or participation of any of the following?
Minority groupsSpecifically includes people from minority ethnic, linguistic, religious or other background which is under-represented in society.
Young peopleSpecifically includes youth/young people up to the age of 25.
People with disabilitiesSpecifically includes people with disabilities or with special needs.
MigrantsSpecifically includes people who are moving or have moved across an international border or within a State away from their habitual place of residence, regardless of legal status, whether voluntary or involuntary, causes, or length of stay.
Other groupsRepresentation specifically includes other groups.
Financing of DRM
Is there a requirement for government funds to be allocated on an annual or recurring basis from the following?
National/highest level budgetFunding is allocated for DRM activities from the national budget on an annual/recurring basis.
Provincial/middle level budgetFunding is allocated for DRM activities from provincial/middle level government budgets on an annual/recurring basis.
Local/lowest level budgetFunding is allocated for DRM activities from local government budgets on an annual/recurring basis.
To be elaborated in other instrumentsThe provisions include a reference to the existence/development of further instruments on this topic.
Do the provisions establish a special DRM fund (i.e. outside of annual budget allocations)?
Special DRM fund establishedA dedicated pool of funds established solely for the purpose of DRM for which contributions are received from government
Covers risk reduction, preparedness and responseThe fund is available to support activities for risk reduction as well as preparedness and response activities.
Can receive international contributionsIn addition to government contributions, the provisions indicate the fund is capable of receiving contributions from external sources, in particular from international partners through donations, grants and/or loans.
To be elaborated in other instrumentsThe provisions include a reference to the existence/development of further instruments on this topic.
Are there provisions for financing of civil society and/or private sector DRM activities?
Funding required from own resourcesProvisions require that own resources are allocated from civil society/NGOs/private sector
Funding from governmentProvisions indicate that government funding should be made available to support civil society/NGO/private sector to resource DRM activities
Funding from international donations, grants and loansProvisions allow civil society/NGOs/private sector to access international funding through donations, grants and/or loans.
Do the provisions refer to any of the following disaster risk financing mechanisms, funds or institutions?
Forecast-based financingThe release of funds for early prevention/preparedness/response action in the event of a prediction/forecast about a hazardous event occurring.
Disaster insurance for public or private assetsThe availability of insurance to cover loss or damage to public or private property and assets.
Recovery loans or financingThe availability of special loans or financing arrangements (e.g. with low or minimal interest or guarantee) specifically for the purpose of recovering from disaster (e.g. house reconstruction, livelihood restoration)
Draw-down facilitiesThe ability to access small/incremental amounts of credit against an asset, rather than a traditional loan for the entire amount.
Parametric insuranceInsurance based on the occurrence of a hazardous event and the cost of its expected impact, rather than the actual loss sustained by the event.
Catastrophe bondsA means of transferring risk from insurance companies to other investors in the event of a pre-defined major disruptive event (e.g. a natural disaster) to encourage/enable insurance companies to take on higher levels of risk for their clients.
Principles, Rights and Protection
Are general principles for DRM included?
Detailed provisionsIncludes an extensive/detailed set of principles which cover a range of DRM issues.
Minimal provisionsIncludes some principles but they are either limited in scope or of a very general nature.
No referenceNo reference given.
To be elaborated in other instrumentsThe provisions include a reference to the existence/development of further instruments on this topic.
Do the provisions include a reference to any of the following?
Humanitarian principlesIncludes reference to generally accepted humanitarian principles such as equality, impartiality, neutrality, human rights.
Human rightsIncludes reference to human rights law and/or specific human rights to be respected.
Accountability to people receiving assistanceIncludes reference to the duties/accountability of disaster responders towards those receiving assistance including quality standards.
Access to information about DRMIncludes reference to providing the public and/or at risk groups with information about hazards, disaster risks, disaster situations and assistance.
Minimum/quality standards for assistanceIncludes reference to quality control / standards of assistance.
Anti-corruptionIncludes a reference about prevention of corruption (such as abuse of power, bribery, coercion)
Financial transparencyIncludes reference to the principle of transparency and financial accountability and/or measures to achieve same.
Timeliness of assistanceIncludes reference to the timeliness/urgency of information about disaster risks and/or the timeliness of assistance after a disaster.
Right to/duty to protect propertyIncludes reference to the right to protection of property (housing, land, belongings) and/or the duty of the government to provide such protection before, during and after disaster.
Right to/duty to provide information about DRMIncludes references to rights of affected persons regarding access to information about hazards, disaster risks, disaster situations and assistance and/or the duty of the government to provide such information.
Right to/duty to provide legal protection, access to documentsIncludes references to the rights of people at risk/affected by disaster to realise their legal rights and entitlements and access key documents concerning their identity and other legal matters and/or the duty of the government of provide such measures.
Right to/duty to participate in decision-makingIncludes references to the right of civil society/communities to participate in decision-making about DRM and/or the duty of the government to enable such participation.
Does the law include reference to rights/duties regarding the provision of assistance to people at risk of/affected by disaster?
Detailed provisionsIncludes a description of the specific rights of affected persons to receive assistance and/or the duty to provide such assistance.
Minimal provisionsIncludes a general reference to the rights of affected persons to receive assistance and/or the duty to provide such assistance, but no further details.
No referenceNo reference given.
To be elaborated in other instrumentsThe provisions include a reference to the existence/development of further instruments on this topic.
Does the law provide for the protection/assistance for people with special needs?
Detailed provisionsProvisions acknowledge the need/requirement to address the special needs of vulnerable groups and includes a description of specific groups/individuals.
Minimal provisionsProvisions acknowledge the need/requirement to address the special needs of vulnerable groups but do not identify specific groups/individuals.
No referenceNo reference given.
To be elaborated in other instrumentsThe provisions include a reference to the existence/development of further instruments on this topic.
Do provisions on protection/assistance make special reference to any of the following?
Minority groupsSpecifically includes people from minority ethnic, linguistic, religious or other background which is under-represented in society.
ChildrenProtection/special assistance specifically includes children and minors (under 18)
People with disabilitiesProtection/special assistance specifically includes people with disabilities.
Other groupsProtection/assistance for other groups.
Women and Gender
Does the law include provisions relating to women?
Detailed provisionsA specific set of provisions addresses issues relating to women and/or many of the provisions include reference to women.
Minimal provisionsReference is made to women, but limited detail is given. Most provisions do not refer specifically to women.
No referenceNo reference given.
To be elaborated in other instrumentsThe provisions include a reference to the existence/development of further instruments on this topic.
Does the law include provisions relating to gender?
Detailed provisionsA specific set of provisions addresses issues relating to gender and/or many of the provisions include reference to gender.
Minimal provisionsReference is made to gender, but limited detail is given. Most provisions do not acknowledge gender differences.
No referenceNo reference given
To be elaborated in other instrumentsThe provisions include a reference to the existence/development of further instruments on this topic.
Do institutional arrangements provide for the representation/participation of women?
At all administrative levelsParticipation/representation of women is included at all levels of government (national and sub-national, including the lowest level of government).
At two or more levelsParticipation/representation of women is included in at least two levels of government (e.g. national, regional and/or local), but not at all levels.
At one level onlyParticipation/representation of women is included in only one level of government (e.g. national, regional or local)
No referenceNo reference given
Do the provisions include a reference to any of the following?
Disaggregation of data based on gender/sexIncludes reference to the need to collect DRM data/information which is disaggregated by sex and/or gender to enable better planning/implementation of DRM activities.
Special assistance for women or based on genderIncludes a reference to the need for special protection/assistance for women or based on gender.
Prevention of sexual and gender based violenceIncludes a reference about prevention of sexual and gender based violence. This includes references to the prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse (PSEA) by relief providers.
Facilities for Domestic Response Actors
Are there provisions protecting authorised disaster responders from liability during the conduct of DRM activities?
Detailed provisionsIncludes detailed provisions on the scope of liability protection, including for different types of responders as necessary.
Minimal provisionsRefers generally to protection from liability/indemnity of responders but no details are given.
No referenceNo reference given.
To be elaborated in other instrumentsThe provisions include a reference to the existence/development of further instruments on this topic.
Are there provisions protecting authorised volunteers from liability during the conduct of DRM activities?
Detailed provisionsIncludes detailed provisions on the scope of liability protection, including for different types of volunteers as necessary.
Minimal provisionsRefers generally to protection from liability/indemnity of volunteers but no details are given.
No referenceNo reference given.
To be elaborated in other instrumentsThe provisions include a reference to the existence/development of further instruments on this topic.
Do the provisions include a reference to any of the following facilities for government entities?
Use of military assetsProvisions include the ability for military assets to be used for DRM activities.
Extended working hoursProvisions include the extension of regular government working hours during times of disaster.
Acquisition/use of private land, propertyProvisions include the acquisition/use of private land or property to prevent/mitigate disasters and/or respond to disasters.
OtherOther facilities
Expedited/simplified procurement rulesProvisions include waived or fast-track bureaucratic procedures (e.g. relating to NGO registration, permissions to use certain types of equipment, registration of vehicles etc) for non-government entities.
Expedited/simplified release of funds for responseProvisions include a process for allowing the rapid release of government funding to support response activities (e.g. from national to lower levels of government)
Information sharingProvisions acknowledge the need for information sharing between government entities.
Are there provisions to facilitate the DRM activities of domestic non-government entities?
Detailed provisionsProvisions include a description of the types of facilities provided by government and the non-government entities entitled to access them.
Minimal provisionsProvisions refer to the general need for government to facilitate the DRM activities of non-government entities but do not provide details.
No referenceNo reference given.
To be elaborated in other instrumentsThe provisions include a reference to the existence/development of further instruments on this topic.
Do the provisions include a reference to any of the following facilities for domestic non-government entities?
Status of volunteersProvisions include the legal recognition / acknowledgement of the use of volunteers for the conduct of DRM activities by non-government entities.
Tax exemptionsProvisions include tax, tariff and other financial exemptions for non-government entities.
Access to resourcesProvisions include access to government/private resources and assets for DRM activities by non-government entities.
Expedited proceduresProvisions include waived or fast-track bureaucratic procedures (e.g. relating to NGO registration, permissions to use certain types of equipment, registration of vehicles etc) for non-government entities.
Information sharingProvisions acknowledge the need for information sharing between government and non-government entities.
Facilities for International Response Actors
Do the provisions include references to international disaster response?
Detailed provisionsProvisions include a description of the roles, coordination mechanisms and/or participation of international response actors.
Minimal provisionsProvisions refer to the potential for international assistance and/or coordination, but do not provide details.
No referenceNo reference to international assistance.
To be elaborated in other instrumentsThe provisions include a reference to the existence/development of further instruments on this topic.
Do the provisions make reference to specific IDRL instruments?
IDRL GuidelinesProvisions make specific reference to the IDRL Guidelines.
International customs agreement(s)Provisions make specific reference to any international agreements, recommendations on standards for expediting customs for relief goods in the event of disaster.
Regional instrument(s)Provisions make reference to any specific regional instruments (treaties, agreements, MOUs) regarding the provision of international disaster response.
Bilateral agreement(s)Provisions make reference to any specific bilateral instruments (treaties, agreements, MOUs) regarding the provision of international disaster response.
Do the provisions include a reference to any of the following legal facilities for state actors?
Process for accepting/requesting int'l assistanceProvisions describe a process/responsible authority for accepting offers or making requests for international assistance.
Focal point for coordination of int'l assistanceProvisions identify the focal point/mechanism for coordination of international response.
Legal status of international relief providersProvisions include the type of legal status and/or process for recognising the legal status of state actors providing disaster relief assistance.
Expedited administrative proceduresProvisions include waived or fast-track bureaucratic procedures (e.g. relating to visas, permissions to use certain types of equipment, registration of vehicles etc)
Recognition of foreign professional qualificationsProvisions describe a process / responsible authority for recognising international professional qualifications (such as medical and engineering degrees) for undertaking DRM activities.
Customs facilitationProvisions include customs facilitation for relief goods/equipment.
Tax exemptionsProvisions include tax, tariff and other financial exemptions.
Transit of relief goodsProvisions include fast-track and/or tax waivers for relief goods transiting through the territory for disaster response activities in other countries.
Foreign military assistanceProvisions allow/provide facilities for assistance from foreign militaries.
Do the provisions include a reference to any of the following legal facilities for non-state actors?
Process for accepting/requesting int'l assistanceProvisions describe a process / responsible authority for accepting offers or making requests for international assistance.
Focal point for coordination of int'l assistanceProvisions identify the focal point / mechanism for coordination of international response.
Legal status of international relief providersProvisions include the type of legal status and/or process for recognising the legal status of international response agencies to function in the country.
Expedited administrative proceduresProvisions include waived or fast-track bureaucratic procedures (e.g. relating to visas, permissions to use certain types of equipment, registration of vehicles etc)
Recognition of foreign professional qualificationsProvisions describe a process / responsible authority for recognising international professional qualifications (such as medical and engineering degrees) for undertaking DRM activities.
Customs facilitationProvisions include customs facilitation for relief goods/equipment.
Tax exemptionsProvisions include tax, tariff and other financial exemptions.
Transit of relief goodsProvisions include fast-track and/or tax waivers for relief goods transiting through the territory for disaster response activities in other countries.

The review of this law was completed in February 2021 and it is possible that the law has been amended or superseded since this date. Users should not rely on this law without first making their own enquiries as to its currency.