Disaster Law Database
9 results found

Type of document: Documents of Transnational Private Actors
Keywords: Armed conflict, Civil society and local communities, Definitions of key terms, Disaster, Other definitions, Prevention and mitigation, Hazard, Multi-hazard, Health, Housing, Migration/displacement/refugees, Protection/human rights law, International disaster response, Initiation or termination of assistance, Direction and control of assistance, Military assistance, Relief personnel, Water and sanitation
Download the document: The Sphere Handbook on Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response

Type of document: Documents of Transnational Private Actors
Keywords: Civil society and local communities, Disaster, Disaster management, Disaster risk reduction, Other definitions, Prevention and/or mitigation, Prevention and mitigation, Recovery and reconstruction, International disaster response, Relief personnel, Search and rescue
Download the document: 22nd APEC Economic Leaders` Declaration. Beijing, 2014

Type of document: Documents of Transnational Private Actors
Keywords: Civil society and local communities, Environment, Hazard, Legal principles, Protection/human rights law, International disaster response, Relief personnel
Download the document: International Non-Governmental Organisations, Accountability Charter, 2014

Type of document: Documents of Transnational Private Actors
Keywords: Armed conflict, Civil society and local communities, Hazard, Multi-hazard, Migration/displacement/refugees, Protection/human rights law, International disaster response
Download the document: The Humanitarian Charter

Type of document: Documents of Transnational Private Actors
Keywords: Armed conflict, Civil society and local communities, Prevention and mitigation, Hazard, Multi-hazard, Protection/human rights law, International disaster response, Military assistance, Relief personnel
Download the document: User Guidance and Commentary on the Humanitarian Charter (2011 edition)

Type of document: Documents of Transnational Private Actors
Keywords: Civil society and local communities, Prevention and mitigation, Food and nutrition, Multi-hazard, Health, Housing, Recovery and reconstruction, International disaster response, Water and sanitation
Download the document: The Sphere Project,Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response, 2011

Type of document: Documents of Transnational Private Actors
Keywords: Armed conflict, Civil society and local communities, Prevention and mitigation, Risk assessment, Hazard, Natural hazards, Protection/human rights law, International disaster response, Direction and control of assistance, Relief personnel
Download the document: An ALNAP guide for humanitarian agencies

Type of document: Documents of Transnational Private Actors
Keywords: Civil society and local communities, Prevention and mitigation, Food and nutrition, Natural hazards, Health, Housing, International disaster response, Search and rescue, Water and sanitation
Download the document: OXFAM, Emergency Co-ordination Framework in Vietnam, Key Actors

Type of document: Documents of Transnational Private Actors