Disaster Law Database
5 results found

Type of document: RCRC documents
Keywords: Definitions of key terms, Disaster, Disaster management, Other definitions, Vulnerability, Health, Preparedness, Protection/human rights law, International disaster response
Download the document: Orientaciones sobre derecho y preparación e intervención ante emergencias de salud pública

Type of document: RCRC documents
Keywords: Definitions of key terms, Disaster, Disaster management, Other definitions, Vulnerability, Health, Preparedness, Protection/human rights law, International disaster response
Download the document: Guidance on Law and Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response

Type of document: RCRC documents
Keywords: Definitions of key terms, Disaster, Disaster management, Other definitions, Vulnerability, Health, Preparedness, Protection/human rights law, International disaster response
Download the document: وثيقة إرشادية عن القانون والتأهب لطوارئ الصحة العامة ومواجهتها

Type of document: RCRC documents

Type of document: RCRC documents