Disaster Law Database
134 results found

Type of document: National documents
Download the document: National Disaster Risk Management Policy, Malawi, 2015

Type of document: National documents
Download the document: Emergency Management (Amendment) Act (No. 14 of 2014), Tonga, 2014

Type of document: National documents
Keywords: Climate change, Definitions of key terms, Other definitions, Response, Vulnerability, Prevention and mitigation, Early warning, Risk assessment, Hazard, Multi-hazard, Preparedness, Protection/human rights law, Recovery and reconstruction, International disaster response, Medical assistance, Military assistance, Search and rescue
Download the document: Ley de gestión de riesgos (Risk Management Law), Bolivia

Type of document: National documents
Keywords: Definitions of key terms, Disaster, Disaster risk reduction, Prevention and mitigation, Hazard, Multi-hazard, Recovery and reconstruction, International disaster response, Relief personnel, Search and rescue
Download the document: Disaster Risk Management Act, Seychelles, 2014

Type of document: National documents
Keywords: Definitions of key terms, Disaster, Disaster management, Other definitions, Prevention and mitigation, Hazard, Natural hazards, Recovery and reconstruction, International disaster response, Relief personnel, Search and rescue
Download the document: Law on Disaster Management (Lei de Gestão das Calamidades), Mozambique, 2014

Type of document: National documents
Keywords: Civil protection, Definitions of key terms, Disaster, Disaster management, Disaster risk reduction, Other definitions, Prevention and mitigation, Early warning, Evacuation, Risk assessment, Hazard, Multi-hazard, Preparedness, Recovery and reconstruction, International disaster response, Direction and control of assistance, Search and rescue
Download the document: National Disaster Management Law, Myanmar

Type of document: National documents

Type of document: National documents
Keywords: Food and nutrition, Hazard, Multi-hazard, Health, Housing, Recovery and reconstruction, International disaster response, Relief personnel, Search and rescue
Download the document: National Disaster Response Framework, Nepal, 2013

Type of document: National documents
Keywords: Civil society and local communities, Definitions of key terms, Disaster, Disaster risk reduction, Hazard, Other definitions, Prevention and/or mitigation, Response, Vulnerability, Prevention and mitigation, Early warning, Evacuation, Hazard, Multi-hazard, Preparedness, International disaster response, Initiation or termination of assistance, Direction and control of assistance, Search and rescue
Download the document: Disaster Management Act of Bhutan 2013

Type of document: National documents
Keywords: Armed conflict, Civil society and local communities, Multi-hazard, Housing, Protection/human rights law, Other vulnerable groups (e.g. stateless, LGBT), Recovery and reconstruction, International disaster response, Search and rescue
Download the document: Act protecting the rights of internally displaced persons, 2013, Philippines