Disaster Law Database
41 results found
Type of document: National documents
Type of document: National documents
Type of document: National documents
Keywords: Disaster, Disaster management, Hazard, Relief personnel, Response, Multi-hazard, Natural hazards, Emergency measures, International disaster response, Initiation or termination of assistance, Costs, Direction and control of assistance, Goods and equipment, Medical assistance, Military assistance, Recognition of professional qualifications, Relief personnel, Search and rescue
Type of document: National documents
Download the document: Governmental Decree No. 562 Validating Flood Risk Management Plan, Moldova, 2020
Type of document: National documents
Type of document: National documents
Keywords: Disaster, Disaster management, Hazard, Natural hazards, Preparedness
Download the document: Critical Infrastructure Protection Act, South Africa, 2019
Type of document: National documents
Keywords: Prevention and mitigation, Early warning, Evacuation, Information sharing, Risk assessment, Hazard, Biological hazards, Multi-hazard, Natural hazards, Technological hazards, International disaster response
Download the document: Plan National de Gestion des Risques de Désastre 2019 - 2030, Haiti, 2019
Type of document: National documents
Keywords: Hazard, Natural hazards, Health, Water and sanitation
Download the document: National Drought Plan, Sudan, 2018
Type of document: National documents
Type of document: National documents
Keywords: Civil protection, Civil society and local communities, Definitions of key terms, Other definitions, Hazard, Natural hazards, International disaster response, Relief personnel
Download the document: Arrete Ministeriel Relatif aux Acteurs Pretant Assistance en Cas de Catastroph, Rwanda, 2018