Disaster Law Database
110 results found

Type of document: National documents
Keywords: Civil protection, Definitions of key terms, Disaster, Other definitions, Hazard, Multi-hazard, Preparedness, International disaster response
Download the document: Civil Defence Act 1986, Singapore

Type of document: National documents

Type of document: National documents

Type of document: National documents
Keywords: Civil protection, Definitions of key terms, Disaster, Other definitions, Hazard, Multi-hazard, Preparedness, International disaster response
Download the document: Disaster Management Act 1984, Papua New Guinea

Type of document: National documents
Keywords: Civil protection
Download the document: Décret portant création du service National de la Protection Civile, Gabon, 1972

Type of document: National documents

Type of document: National documents
Keywords: Civil protection
Download the document: Emergency Powers Act, Zimbabwe, 1960

Type of document: National documents
Keywords: Civil protection, Definitions of key terms, Disaster, Prevention and mitigation, Early warning, Evacuation, Information sharing, Hazard, Multi-hazard, Preparedness, Recovery and reconstruction, International disaster response, Medical assistance, Search and rescue
Download the document: Disaster Countermeasures Basic Law, Japan, 1961

Type of document: National documents
Keywords: Civil protection, Prevention and mitigation, Environment, Hazard, Multi-hazard, Natural hazards
Download the document: Fire Prevention Act No. 19 of 1954 (Cap. 22:01), Guyana, 1954