Disaster Law Database
6 results found
Type of document: Documents of International Organizations
Type of document: Documents of International Organizations
Keywords: Climate change, Adaptation, Mitigation, Definitions of key terms, Climate change, Disaster, Disaster management, Disaster risk reduction, Early warning, Hazard, Other definitions, Prevention and/or mitigation, Resilience, Response, Vulnerability, Prevention and mitigation, Environment, Hazard, Preparedness, International disaster response
Type of document: Documents of International Organizations
Keywords: Disaster, Disaster risk reduction, Early warning, Hazard, Other definitions, Prevention and/or mitigation, Resilience, Response, Vulnerability, Prevention and mitigation, Early warning, Information sharing, Risk assessment, Hazard, Multi-hazard, Natural hazards, Preparedness, Protection/human rights law, Recovery and reconstruction
Type of document: Documents of International Organizations
Keywords: Definitions of key terms, Climate change, Disaster, Disaster management, Disaster risk reduction, Early warning, Hazard, Prevention and/or mitigation, Resilience, Response, Vulnerability, Prevention and mitigation, Hazard, Multi-hazard, Recovery and reconstruction, International disaster response
Download the document: UNDP Support to Institutional and Legislative Systems for Disaster Risk Management, 2007
Type of document: Documents of International Organizations
Keywords: Civil society and local communities, Definitions of key terms, Disaster, Disaster management, Disaster risk reduction, Hazard, Other definitions, Prevention and/or mitigation, Resilience, Vulnerability, Prevention and mitigation, Early warning, Evacuation, Information sharing, Risk assessment, Hazard, Multi-hazard, Recovery and reconstruction
Download the document: UNISDR, Living with Risk.A global review of disaster reduction initiatives, Volume I, 2004
Type of document: Documents of International Organizations