Disaster Law Database
1508 results found
Disaster Law Database

Type of document: National documents

Type of document: National documents
Keywords: Climate change, Environment, Hazard
Download the document: Law No. 7335 ratifying the Paris Agreement, Turkey, 2021

Type of document: National documents
Keywords: Climate change, Prevention and mitigation, Environment, Hazard
Download the document: China’s Mid-Century Long-Term Low Greenhouse Gas Emission Development Strategy, China, 2021

Type of document: Case law
Keywords: Hazard, Biological hazards, Health, Legal principles, Emergency measures, Protection/human rights law
Download the document: GF v Minister of COVID-19 Response & Ors

Type of document: National documents

Type of document: National documents
Keywords: Climate change, Prevention and mitigation, Risk assessment, Environment, Hazard
Download the document: Climate Change Act No. 43 of 2021, Fiji, 2021

Type of document: National documents
Keywords: Climate change, Prevention and mitigation, Risk assessment, Environment, Hazard
Download the document: Ordonnance N° 019/2021 du 13/09/2021 relative aux changements climatiques, Gabon, 2021

Type of document: Documents of Transnational Private Actors
Keywords: Definitions of key terms, Goods and equipment, Other definitions, Relief personnel, Prevention and mitigation, Hazard, Biological hazards, Health, Preparedness, Protection/human rights law, International disaster response
Download the document: IDI, Resolution on Epidemics, Pandemics and International Law, September 2021

Type of document: National documents
Keywords: Climate change, Prevention and mitigation, Environment, Financial cooperation, Hazard, Health, Protection/human rights law, Gender equality
Download the document: National Climate Change Act, Uganda, 2021