Disaster Law Database
166 results found
Disaster Law Database

Type of document: Documents of International Organizations

Type of document: Documents of International Organizations

Type of document: Treaties

Type of document: National documents
Keywords: Armed conflict, Civil society and local communities, Food and nutrition, Health, Housing, Protection/human rights law, Recovery and reconstruction, Search and rescue, Water and sanitation
Download the document: Council of Ministers Decree No. 1/01 on Internal Displacement, Angola, 2001

Type of document: Treaties
Keywords: Armed conflict, Definitions of key terms, Disaster, Other definitions, Prevention and mitigation, Environment, Food and nutrition, Biological hazards, Multi-hazard, Natural hazards, Technological hazards, Health, Housing, Protection/human rights law, Recovery and reconstruction, International disaster response, Search and rescue, Telecommunications, Water and sanitation

Type of document: Documents of Transnational Private Actors
Keywords: Armed conflict, Hazard, Multi-hazard, Housing, Migration/displacement/refugees, Protection/human rights law, Civil and political rights, Economic, social and cultural rights, Other vulnerable groups (e.g. stateless, LGBT)
Download the document: Refugee Protection: A Guide to International Refugee Law

Type of document: Documents of International Organizations
Keywords: Armed conflict, Civil society and local communities, Hazard, Multi-hazard, Preparedness, Protection/human rights law, Recovery and reconstruction, International disaster response
Download the document: UN General Assembly Resolution, New International Humanitarian Order, A/RES/55/73, 2000

Type of document: Documents of International Organizations

Type of document: National documents

Type of document: Treaties
Keywords: Armed conflict, Disaster, Other definitions, Multi-hazard, Protection/human rights law, Recovery and reconstruction, International disaster response, Search and rescue
Download the document: Framework Convention on Civil Defence Assistance, 2000