Disaster Law Database
166 results found
Disaster Law Database

Keywords: Armed conflict, Climate change, Prevention and mitigation, Environment, Food and nutrition, Hazard, Biological hazards, Natural hazards, Health, Migration/displacement/refugees, Protection/human rights law, Recovery and reconstruction, International disaster response
Download the document: Global Humanitarian Overview 2021

Type of document: Literature
Keywords: Armed conflict, Hazard, Legal principles, Sovereignty, Protection/human rights law, International disaster response
Download the document: International Law in Disaster Scenarios: Applicable Rules and Principles

Type of document: Documents of International Organizations
Keywords: Armed conflict, Prevention and mitigation, Hazard, Biological hazards, Health, International disaster response, Relief personnel
Download the document: Guidance on Minimum Standards on Duty of Care in the Context of Covid-19

Type of document: Documents of International Organizations
Keywords: Armed conflict, Climate change, Prevention and mitigation, Early warning, Evacuation, Information sharing, Risk assessment, Environment, Hazard, Multi-hazard, Health, Migration/displacement/refugees, Preparedness, Recovery and reconstruction
Download the document: Report of the Secretary-General on the Implementation of the Sendai Framework, 2020

Type of document: Documents of International Organizations
Keywords: Armed conflict, Hazard, Biological hazards, Health, Migration/displacement/refugees, Protection/human rights law, International disaster response
Download the document: UN Security Council Resolution 2532(2020)

Type of document: Documents of International Organizations
Keywords: Armed conflict, Hazard, Biological hazards, Health, Protection/human rights law, Gender equality
Download the document: Checklist to Protect from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse During Covid-19. Interim Guidance

Type of document: Literature
Keywords: Armed conflict, Climate change
Download the document: International Humanitarian Law and Climate Change

Type of document: Documents of International Organizations
Keywords: Armed conflict, Climate change, Prevention and mitigation, Environment, Food and nutrition, Hazard, Natural hazards, Health, Housing, Migration/displacement/refugees, Protection/human rights law, Recovery and reconstruction, International disaster response
Download the document: Global Humanitarian Overview 2020

Type of document: RCRC documents
Keywords: Armed conflict, Climate change, Disaster, Health, Gender equality
Download the document: 33ème Conférence Internationale de la Croix-Rouge, 2019

Type of document: RCRC documents
Keywords: Armed conflict, Climate change, Disaster, Health, Migration/displacement/refugees, Gender equality
Download the document: 33rd International Conference of the Red Cross, 2019